Women's Aid Federation of England

1.7 a Day, Your Way!

Lucinda Jones

Lucinda Jones

My Story

While furloughed I became a Domestic Abuse Community Ambassador. I hadn’t had any connection to domestic abuse in the past, it's just that I knew about a free Women’s Aid webinar. During that webinar one of the presenters said ‘Not everyone realises that they are or have been in an abusive relationship because domestic abuse is not only characterised by violence. Sometimes it’s coercive control. Sometimes women say ‘He is just a bit controlling.’ As she said that I thought. ‘That’s so weird, because my ex WAS a bit controlling.’ 

Since doing my training I have spoken to so many women who have told me their domestic abuse experiences. It’s devastating how common it is. I’ve also had two disclosures. That’s two women who were already in my life who knew it was safe to speak to me about the abuse happening to them. I hadn’t spotted it before they said. That means there are others too. There are women in your life right now who are being abused. I’m using the Women’s Aid 1.7 challenge to raise money and raise awareness.

I will cycle to work using BERYL bikes - the Brighton and Hove bike share named after Beryl Burton. (Look her up - she was awesome!) So it's feminist, sustainable and raising money for the life-saving support services offered at Women's Aid. All good stuff. 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

While furloughed I became a Domestic Abuse Community Ambassador. I hadn’t had any connection to domestic abuse in the past, it's just that I knew about a free Women’s Aid webinar. During that webinar one of the presenters said ‘Not everyone realises that they are or have been in an abusive relationship because domestic abuse is not only characterised by violence. Sometimes it’s coercive control. Sometimes women say ‘He is just a bit controlling.’ As she said that I thought. ‘That’s so weird, because my ex WAS a bit controlling.’ 

Since doing my training I have spoken to so many women who have told me their domestic abuse experiences. It’s devastating how common it is. I’ve also had two disclosures. That’s two women who were already in my life who knew it was safe to speak to me about the abuse happening to them. I hadn’t spotted it before they said. That means there are others too. There are women in your life right now who are being abused. I’m using the Women’s Aid 1.7 challenge to raise money and raise awareness.

I will cycle to work using BERYL bikes - the Brighton and Hove bike share named after Beryl Burton. (Look her up - she was awesome!) So it's feminist, sustainable and raising money for the life-saving support services offered at Women's Aid. All good stuff. 

Lucinda Jones is fundraising towards